Newton Baby's very own Customer Care Manager, Krystal, is expecting her first little one this summer! Being a first-time mom comes with a range of emotions: everything from happiness to "holy smokes, Batman!" This is no different for Krystal, who is surrounded by baby products and baby talk all day long. Krystal has been kind enough to track her journey as a first-time mom, with some do's, don'ts, and cool finds along the way. First up are her favorite pregnancy resources, which you can use once you convince yourself you may be spending a little too much time on Google!
"Congratulations, you're pregnant!" My husband and I were so excited to hear those words. Seconds later, my mind was already racing with the thoughts of what this would mean for us, our families, our jobs, and the change of our everyday lives as we knew it. I half heard what my OBGYN was saying as I ran through my own internal monologue: Should I have had that margarita a few weeks ago when I didn’t know I was pregnant? Should I still be going to the gym? What foods have I eaten that I shouldn’t have? When was the last time I took ibuprofen? When my doctor asked if I had any questions, I thought, of course! Where do I start? But all I could really do was shake my head. I had already overwhelmed myself so much in that moment that I didn’t know what to ask. Of course, the minute that we left the office, Google was my first stop on the question train.
While I did go back shortly after my initial visit and talk to my doctor about my questions, there are some resources that I find are super helpful along my journey. I encourage other pregos to find resources that help them along their process week by week:
1. Bundoo. Bundoo is the only physician-driven pregnancy and parenting site where expecting and new parents can interact directly with doctors and healthcare experts and get the actionable information they can trust. There are great week-by-week articles, and their network of doctors are there to answer your questions and engage with you on your experience.
2. Ovia. Finding an app that works for you is a great way to track the growth and development of your little peanut (or whatever you choose to nickname your baby). Ovia has a great community base of other parents-to-be experiencing similar things to you, posting in a community board, and is done all on your phone. If you're like me and are constantly on the go, this is a great way to track your own milestones as well, and get answers to questions from other community members who are going through similar experiences.
3. FIT Pregnancy. Staying healthy for both baby and myself is important to me. As my body changes, FIT Pregnancy helps me find suggestions on new routines for staying active and healthy, product suggestions, and even new recipes for my ever-changing taste buds. It's a great resource for a mom-to-be.